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In response to the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the refugee crisis it has caused, Balliol has launched an appeal to assist refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, which will begin with providing a fully funded place for a refugee postgraduate student at Balliol and support a Researchers at Risk Fellowship in partnership with the British Academy.
The selected scholar will receive free accommodation and meals, a living stipend, their University and College fees waived and full inclusion within College life including membership of the MCR.
The scholarship is offered as part of a University-wide scheme to create graduate scholarships for refugees from Ukraine and continues Balliol’s long-standing tradition of support for refugees.
We are delighted to share the news that in Michaelmas term 2022 Balliol offered sanctuary to two refugee scholars.
Balliol is committed to admitting outstanding students regardless of their background and providing financial support to all who need our help.
This is only possible thanks to Old Members and friends like you.
Balliol and the other participating colleges and departments are in discussion about extending the scholarship scheme for 2023-24, and hope that you may consider adding or renewing your support by making your gift to today.